Surron LBX best custom tunes

Can You Tune a Stock Surron LBX Controller? Is an Upgrade Needed?

What are the best custom tunes for your Surron LBX? Have you been tinkering with the settings for your Surron? Wondering what all the different numbers and features do? First question: do you have a stock controller or an aftermarket controller? Depending on what answer you have, will depend on what you can and can’t change. 

Let’s dive into what a ‘tune’ actually is, why you would want to change the settings, can you even change the settings, and… after all of this info, are you simply wanting something that is more powerful? Read on… 


  • While upgrading your controller will give you more, um, ‘control’ over your power delivery, it won’t give you the massive boost in power you may be seeking. 
  • For a big power increase, you’ll also need to consider changing the battery and possibly even the motor to parts that can withstand increased power. 

This article here discusses everything you need to know about your battery

What in the world is a ‘tune’?

Simply put, a tune is a list of values in a software that are downloaded to your e-moto’s controller. This determines what parameters are set. These parameters are how the motor reacts to inputs from various sources, such as the throttle. 

Some controllers allow you to modify many different parameters, whereas some other controllers such as stock controllers generally have very basic settings. This is the reason many riders choose to upgrade their controller first as aftermarket controllers have many more options for customization. 

Then what are ‘parameters’? 

Parameters are loaded into aftermarket controller firmware. You can modify these via an app on your phone or PC via a cable. Different brand controllers have slightly different parameters, but essentially, parameters can control things like: 

  • Throttle ramping/curve: Throttle sensitivity
  • Off throttle regen: When the throttle is released, how much regen is put back into the battery
  • Input deadband: How much small movement is allowed before the throttle will increase power
  • Power levels: How many kW you’re asking from motor
  • Phase amps: (generally) Power output

Controllers can also do things like:

  • Reverse power
  • Different modes such as street and race mode
  • Setting a top speed
  • Cut-offs for safety such as temperature, and low voltage that you can set

What does a controller do on a Surron LBX? 

A controller will take all the parameters – either what you have set, or what has been predetermined via the factory – and give instructions to the motor and the battery to work together. 

The Surron controller takes input from the rider via throttle and brake, and from sensors such as a tilt sensor, stand sensor, and even temperature sensors to instruct the motor to output the correct power in the correct way.

Can you tune a stock Surron LBX? 

Technically, yes you can tune a stock Surron LBX. You can make a few basic changes to the regen settings and turn off some sensor settings, but that’s all.

A surron LBX with a stock controller
The stock Surron controller

The stock Surron LBX controller has a heap of limitations when compared to aftermarket controllers. If you want the ability to fine-tune your controller, you will need to invest in an aftermarket controller. This is why many riders choose to upgrade their controller, even if they don’t want an increase in power. 

What is the most powerful Surron Controller? 

Before I answer what the most powerful Surron controller is, I must ask: Why? Remember with great power, comes great responsibility!… But, you can only ask so much from your battery and motor. That’s where the bottleneck lies. 

Yes, your upgraded controller may be fully capable of asking for 40kW, but if your battery can’t give that, it means nothing. Likewise, if your motor is still stock and you have a humongous battery, you’ll cook your motor. Literally. That’s not to say you can’t put the most powerful controller in your Surron, just make sure you’re not asking too much from your other components. 

Be sensible with the parameters you set. If you’re not sure, ask! 

As far as powerful Surron Controllers go, the EBMX v2 X9000 Controller is right up there. 

Tips for setting up your aftermarket controller

Follow the instructions carefully from the manufacturer. Watch the EMBX setup video here: 

Always ride your Surron LBX first. Take note of things like free-play in the throttle, how quickly the power comes on, and how much ‘braking force’ you get when off-throttle. Then make changes to the tune when thinking about those aspects. Go for more test rides, and the idea is to get the correct riding feel for you. 

Pro Tips for the EMBX X9000:

  • Always check for any software updates
  • It is very important to enter the correct gear ratio and tire size. If these are incorrectly entered, the tune will have incorrect torque and power curves
  • However, you can change the gear ratio or tire size to purposefully change the tune, if you know what you’re doing!
  • If you accidentally bend the pins on the regen throttle plug, you may get a throttle error code. 
  • Remember to upload changes to your Surron!

Surron LBX controller upgrades

Upgrading your Surron LBX controller won’t necessarily give you more power. What it will give you is customization in how the power you have is delivered. Stock controllers are great, but you can’t tune them how you could an aftermarket controller. 

A EMBX controller on a Surron
The EMBX controller on this awesome bike build

If it’s bigger power you’re looking for, you’ll need to invest in a bigger battery. An upgraded controller will be able to work with both a stock battery and an upgraded battery, so you can make your upgrades incrementally. Just be aware, you also need the motor to be compatible with a bigger battery. 

The EMBX X9000 is a great controller for both low and high power. Just FYI – jump onto Instagram and see what we put our e-motos through. Most of us here at GritShift run the EMBX x9000, and they’re still going strong, even after, well… have a look to see what I’m talking about! 

As far as the powertrain goes, an upgraded controller is a smart move for your first mod. Check out the EMBX controller here. 


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